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Triboro Community Library Study commences, launches survey

Megan Tuñón

Originally published on February 1, 2021.

Your input is needed! ECO and Etna Borough are partnering with our neighbors in Millvale and Sharpsburg to look at library services across all three communities. We'd really appreciate your support by taking the Triboro Community Library survey.

As all Etnians know, we do not have a library within our municipality. The #1 priority project voiced by the community from the 2016-2019 Etna EcoDistrict Plan was a free public library that acts as a community hub and resource center. So, we've been working continuously to learn how to bring library service to Etna. Thanks to the help of the Triboro Ecodistrict, we were able to form a joint effort with our neighbors and the Allegheny County Library Association. With funding support from the Forbes Fund, the joint effort has hired Fourth Economy to study how library service might look if all three communities formed a library system. We are two months into a six-month study and we need your input to continue to progress. We appreciate your help!

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