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Election Day is November 8th

Megan Tuñón

Do you have a plan to vote in this year's general election? Etna's poll locations will be open from 7AM to 8PM on Tuesday, November 8th.

You can find your polling place here by putting in your address. If you are a first-time voter or are voting at a new polling place, here are helpful tips on how to get ready. Please keep in mind that first-time voters and voters who are voting at a new location are required to show a form of identification.

If you plan to vote by mail ballot (either no-excuse mail-in or absentee), a ballot must have been requested by Nov. 1. If you are concerned about receiving your mail ballot in time, you can apply in person at your county board of elections office, fill out the ballot while you are there, and submit it all in one visit.

If you plan to vote by mail ballot, remember these four steps for completing and returning your ballot:

  1. Read all instructions and mark your ballot with a blue or black pen. There may be races on the back of your ballot, so be sure to check both sides.

  2. Seal your ballot in the inner secrecy envelope marked “official election ballot.” Do not make any marks on the secrecy envelope. You must seal your ballot in this envelope for it to be counted.

  3. Place the inner secrecy envelope in the pre-addressed outer return envelope. Sign and date the voter’s declaration on the outer envelope.

  4. Return your voted ballot to your County Board of Elections office – either by mail or by hand delivery. All mail ballots must be received by your County Board of Elections by 8 p.m. Nov. 8. Mail ballots received after that time, even if postmarked by 8 p.m. Nov. 8, will not count. You can also hand-deliver your ballot by the deadline to a drop box or satellite location if your county provides one. A list of drop boxes and satellite locations will be updated on the Department of State website as information from counties becomes available. You are the only person permitted to return your ballot unless you have a disability and have designated an agent in writing to return your ballot using this form.

Poll Locations

If your plan is to stop by the polls on November 8th, that's easy to do in Etna. Each of Etna's wards has a specific polling location. Ward 1, which includes all the homes on the NW side of Butler Street to the entrance to Etna to the Ball Field, votes at Calvert Memorial Church on High Street. Some of the streets in Ward 1 include Ann, Walnut, High, Christler, and Maplewood. Ward 2, which includes all the homes on the SE side of Butler and Grant Avenue from the Route 28 entrance through the entire borough to the Shaler line, votes at the Etna Borough Building on Butler Street. Some of these streets in Ward 2 are Cherry, Bridge, Bitner, Kittanning, Greismere, and Highland. Ward 3 begins where the first ward ends and includes all the homes on the NW side of Grant Avenue from the ball field to the Shaler line. A sample of these streets are Dewey, Spring, Wilson, and Park. Ward 3 residents vote at the All Saints Activities Building on Dewey/Wilson Street. But, be sure to find your polling place here.

The Races

This November, Pennsylvanians will be choosing our next Governor, Lieutenant Governor, US Senator, the 17th District Representative in the US House of Representatives, the 38th District State Senator, and the 21st District State Representative. While the Governor is a very important office, it is our state senator and state representative that have the most contact with our community. Who serves in that office and how they align with Etna's values and interests is incredibly important. To find out information on the candidates running to serve Etna Borough, check out this voter guide from WESA.

It is so imperative that Etna residents show up on election day, regardless of party. When we don't vote, we are choosing to disregard a fundamental tool we have to ensure a bright future for our community. We are a small community, but if we show up on November 8th in large numbers, our voice will be as loud and proud!

Featured artwork by Sara B. Coleman

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