Originally Published in March 2021-

As part of Triboro Ecodistrict Earth Week, Etna and Sharpsburg have accepted the challenge – the communities will again hold a competitive community clean-up on Saturday, April 24th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The first Etna-Sharpsburg Earth Day Challenge had 353 volunteers fill two 30 cubic yard dumpsters TO THE BRIM. Last year, the Challenge had to be canceled due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. At that time, not enough was known about the new disease to proceed safely with the event. A year on, we now know that outdoor activities can be held safely when proper precautions are put in place. Therefore, organizers in Etna and Sharpsburg have decided to proceed with the challenge this year - with a few changes to keep everyone socially distant and safe.

We believe that every street in Etna is loved and should be cared for. Did you know that there are approximately 100 streets in our community? To participate in the Etna-Sharpsburg Earth Day Challenge, we want YOU to sign up and adopt a street. Our goal is to have every single street covered by at least one volunteer or “quaranTEAM” (or Pandemic Pod, Best Friend Bubble, Social Distance Duo, or Corona Crew). Once on the sign-up sheet, you'll see that the streets are listed alphabetically. Each street or location has limited spots for sign-up. If the street you live on is already "adopted," please consider another that is in your proximity. If you don’t have supplies, we will have supplies available throughout the preceding week at the Etna Borough building to avoid any crowds on the day of the event. As in past years, you will leave the collected trash bags on the street corner and our friends at Etna Public Works will be riding around in their truck to pick them up. Sadly, the celebration at the end of the clean-up cannot be held this year, but residents will be encouraged to participate virtually by sharing their clean-up photos on social media or with us by email. Reach out to megan@etnacommunity.org if you have any questions.
Sign-up Sheet: volunteersignup.org/D4XB8
Facebook Event: https://fb.me/e/3hNItIFVN