Originally Published in March 2021-

Etna Borough is interested in hearing from property owners who would add a tree (or two) to their sidewalk this spring.
In 2019, Etna Borough was awarded a $50,000 grant from the Allegheny County Health Department to restore Etna’s tree canopy and to help improve our community's air quality. Street trees collect air-borne pollution, calm car traffic, absorb stormwater, provide shade to pedestrians, reduce heat, enhance the natural beauty of our Borough, and help to make our community healthier. The Borough partners with Tree Pittsburgh and ECO to recruit volunteers, host group tree plantings, and educate volunteers on proper planting techniques. With the help of residents, trees have been collaboratively planted at the playground (Spring 2019), around Route 28 (Fall 2019), and at Etna EcoPark (Fall 2020). Plantings have also taken place on Butler, Walnut, High, and other residential streets.

For tree plantings, Etna Borough is targeting areas along our highways (Route 8 and 28), our main thoroughfares (Butler, Grant, Freeport, and Bridge streets), as well as our train corridors (Crescent, Highland, and Railroad streets). The Borough is currently soliciting private property owners, both businesses and homes, who would welcome a tree planting in their sidewalk area. Please note that not all curb styles support adding tree bed. The sidewalk and curb must be separate pieces, rather than monolithic (one continuous concrete pour).
If you are interested in adding a shade tree to your property’s sidewalk, please contact Talia O’Brien at tobrien@etnaborough.org. If you would like to participate in a future group tree planting, send a request to megan@etnacommunity.org.