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Etna-Sharpsburg Earth Day Challenge is set for 2022!

Megan Tuñón

The 3rd annual Etna-Sharpsburg Earth Day Challenge has been set for April 23rd, 2022. The cleanup will take place from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and a post-cleanup celebration will be held at the new Etna Riverfront Trail and Park from 12-2 p.m.

Last year, a socially-distant cleanup took place, and residents and groups were encouraged to sign up to adopt a street. Each participant used an online sign-up sheet to identify a location of choice and went out on their own to tackle the litter. We also asked participants to share pictures of their efforts so that we could see the collective progress and participation. We were thrilled to announce that 100% of Etna streets were adopted in 2021 and we were able to completely fill a 30 ft. dumpster with the collected trash. The success of last year's cleanup was evident as observers walked through the borough following the event - not a speck of litter was in sight! The new procedures were so successful that we are bringing them back for 2022. You can sign up to adopt your street, or one that you are just itching to tackle on this year's online sign up sheet.

This year we are also partnering with Tree Pittsburgh to do a free tree giveaway! Participants can use this link to choose a Serviceberry, Tulip Poplar, Cornel Dogwood, or American Sycamore. There are 100 trees available for adoption and they will go the first 100 who sign up. The trees can be picked up at the post cleanup event at the Riverfront Park from 12-2.

The 2022 event one again be expanded to include a wrap-up celebration from 12-2 p.m. This year, the event will be held at the brand new Etna Riverfront Trail and Park. This will be an opportunity to gather with neighbors from Etna and Sharpsburg and celebrate a job well done. There will be free refreshments and entertainment at the celebration.

The Etna-Sharpsburg Earth Day Cleanup is one of the most important events that the community hosts during the year. It demonstrates our commitment to the environment in our region that has a history of neglect. In the past decade, we have seen the progress of de-industrialization and our commitment to environmental stewardship in our boroughs: a return of wildlife to our streams, the increase of our tree canopy, and the reduction of pollutants in our air. Of course, we still have a long way to go, and it all starts with YOU! Thank you for being an EcoDistrict Champion!

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