Originally Published in March 2021-

As part of an effort to promote community gardening and access to fresh food, ECO, Garden of Etna, Etna Borough, and the Triboro Ecodistrict will be continuing a free container garden program called, “Bloom Where You Are Planted.” Last year, each participating home received a five-gallon bucket with gardening soil, a tomato or strawberry plant, and instructions on how to care for the plant. This initiative included more than 75 homes in Etna, Millvale, and Sharpsburg.
To improve this container garden program and other food-related initiatives in the community, we ask that you complete a survey. We’d like to gauge community-wide interest in growing and preparing healthy food. Responses will also help us identify residents interested in the container garden program.
Click here to access the survey. If you need a printed version of this survey, please stop by the Borough Office and pick up a copy.
A special shout-out: the initiatives we write about are only possible through passionate, service-minded neighbors. Leading this project is ECO’s Veni Mittal, Etna Borough’s Alice Gabriel, and Garden of Etna’s Tom Quigley. This builds on last year’s team from Sharpsburg: former Triboro Ecodistrict Advisory Committee member Lauren Broyles and SNO’s Brittany Reno. We’re so grateful for their service. If you have interest in joining the team, please email megan@etnacommunity.org and she can connect you to the Food Champions.
Funding for this project was provided to the Triboro Ecodistrict from the Henry L. Hillman Foundation.