Originally posted in May 2021

There is still time to request your FREE container garden to grow your own produce this summer! As an effort to encourage community gardening and gain access to fresh food, Garden of Etna and the Food Champions from ECO are continuing the program for all Triboro Ecodistrict residents. To register for a free container garden, please fill out this form. Thursday, June 3rd is the deadline to apply for the program, and pick up will take place on June 5th and 6th at The Garden of Etna, Millvale, or Sharpsburg.
A special shout out to Alice Gabriel, Veni Mittal, and Tom Quigley for organizing this effort. Many thanks to the Sharpsburg Neighborhood Organization for launching the project last year.
In addition, you can get more involved with the Garden of Etna through Welcome Wednesdays starting May 5 from 5-7 p.m. and continuing every week throughout the growing season. Gardeners and visitors are welcome to help with weeding, general maintenance, and watering, get some gardening and troubleshooting tips, or can just stop by to visit and snack on raspberries. The garden also harvests for the Bread of Life Food Pantry every Monday morning at 9 a.m. during the growing season. Rain date is Tuesday at 9 a.m.
Email etnacommunitygarden@gmail.com with questions.