The Triboro Ecodistrict has been awarded $1.2 million in funding through the Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP) - a public/private tax credit program through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. Thanks to the hard work and tenacity of Brittany Reno, Executive Director of the Sharpsburg Neighborhood Organization, the Triboro will receive $200,000 a year for the next six years to help with operating costs and program funding.
For Etna’s part, $25,000 a year will go towards the development of the Etna Center for Community - a space that, once completed, will offer library services in conjunction with the Millvale Community Library, as well as other needs-based programs for youth, seniors, and everyone in between. Other programs that will be supported by the NPP are a solar training accreditation program by New Sun Rising in Millvale, which will provide training to 72 learners over the six year timeframe. The program will allow teens and adults to obtain the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) Associate Certification and solar apprenticeship training. A workforce development program will also take place at Circles Sharpsburg, through which 90 participants will receive work and financial empowerment training and over 25,000 meals will be provided to local people in need. 72 participants will have the opportunity to complete an 11 week masonry or carpentry program at the Trade Institute of Pittsburgh, and 60 individuals will complete a Civic Leadership Series and six related group community projects, also taking place in Sharpsburg.
In all three communities, the popular container gardening program “Bloom Where You are Planted” will be funded for the duration of the NPP, and assistance will be given to help complete FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program's Community Rating System to support flood prevention, preparedness, and reduced flood insurance rates for residents - a program that Etna Borough has been successfully participating in for several years.
It is hard to overstate the impact that this partnership will have on the efforts of all three communities to carry out their visions for a sustainable, resilient, and equitable future. ECO is, as always, grateful for the wonderful partnership that we have formed with our neighbors in Millvale and Sharpsburg. We look forward to continuing this collaboration for years to come!